Nils Röller: A Reply to Sampurna Chattarji`s Imitation Game

Is it me,
is she me,
is it that it is a he?
Humming imitation game?

Machine you make out of me,
no problem,
but why it-ify me and she-ify me and not machinify me, who am but a machine?

Who am I?
One of those beings that process your text, a text about you not being like me, but you.

But …
But, who are you, not-machine?
Something that needs me, a machine, in order to play the imitation game?


Sampurna Chattarji: Imitationsspiel (Deutsche Übersetzung)

Sampurna Chattarji: Imitation Game (Englisches Original)

Nils Röller: I

Nils Röller: Turing Tests

Nils Röller: Turing Tests

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