Realometer Translating Erín Moure

Seeking readjustement Realometer translates Erín Moure: (What is an archive?*)

What is a blog? (Joy) What is a post? (Permission)

A post s where letter s unsealing is fixed, fixes. The spiritual fluid of a psyche is not forbidden to rest (but must not) ….

O que é claro no texto é o sotto. C’ écrire qui reste à même dans l’âme, l’impresión non pas au l’exterieur des chifres. “Cela écrit, une manifestation”.

“Amor mi bello”
“Amore mio bel”

Acoustically, he accepted himself in a fluidum of regeneration and activity, while differences become evident between stop and rest.

(strng s calm)

[9926] *9874

Mae Xumai

* Erín Moure:  O Cadoiro – Poems. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 2007, p. 47.

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