Descartes` and Karmakars` challenging tongues III
To what kind of intuition are we invited by Karmakar?
What are we asked to do? In analogy to the Cartesian formular we are invited to perform something. Does Karmakar want us to use our tongue and to start licking, caressing, eating ourselves in the way we see on his images?
Descartes and Karmakar share something. Descartes presents himself as gentle, calm author who is aware of its own limits, his limits of reasoning and knowing truths. Descartes writes elegantly that he does not want to convince, but that he invites to intuit his argumentations. Descartes calls his text a fable, a fiction and a painting. Karmarkar shares this elegance. He paints himself, he writes about himself, and invites to look at his images. He does not say or show more or less, just himself or a representation of himself.