25 liters shall we use per day, not more.*
How can we imagine this. An idea of Jabès is helpful.
Jabès is a poetical thinker of inbetweeness. He reflects the blanks between to letters in a text. Out of this blanks he creates ideas of infinity and of limitation. Of course the restricted use of 25 liters will change our feelings and thoughts about limitation and freedom.
It will change our body and mind. It gives body and mind another rhythm. In this aspect the restriction equals the book. Jabès writes: Body and mind are subjected by the rhythm of the book. He adds: The field of subversion is free.
We will come back to this.
* See: Interview with Peter Brabeck – CEO Nestlé: “Es gibt kein Menschenrecht auf einen Swimmingpool” – Das Magazin 17 – 2007