Sampurna Chattarji: Descending
Trampoline: In which the line I bounce off from is – “To descend into yourself means discovering subversion” (Edmond Jabès, The Little Book of Unexpected Subversion) – tucked away in a response to Nils’ text
“Descending into light is dangerous.
On the surface I am all skin.”
At the top of the morning is a mountain.
She climbs it.
One morning, she discovers it is inside her.
“Or what I mean, perhaps, is all light.
It’s my sister who is good with words.”
She feels vertical, and rock-steady.
It is on the way down
that she slopes, falls, flattens.
“Sis, you dwell in the front of the tongue.
What do you know about what lies underneath?”
The next morning, there is nothing to walk towards.
Only movement can still
that demon – speed. Run, she tells herself.
“And what if, Sis, at the core of all this light,
there is nothing?
Just a hollow, silent, drum?”