Instruments (Holding a Globe)

Peter Apian, Instrumentum Primi Mobilis (Nürnberg: Johann Petreius, 1533), Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Alte Drucke und Rara, RX 49, title.

Magnes: With the propagation of printing machines the parc of instruments for measuring time and space with light and shadow started to expand. I believe, that Dürer was a strong influence as well as the compass makers in Nurnberg on this. Did Taisnier* know about this? Has he been interested in optical devices? This image might be considered a first proof.

* [ZB Magnet 1] Taisnier of Hainault (Hannonius), De Natura et Effectibus Lapidis Magneticis (Köln 1562), published the letter on the magnet by Peregrinus under his own name. Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Alte Drucke und Rara, NE 1836: 3.

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